Ankylosing Spondylitis
Mr. Chow – Trainer, Hong Kong Taking Qianggutai 2 sachets a day. Improvement found in 1 – 2 days. Before consumption: With 8 years of ankylosing spondylitis, the entire cervical vertebrae and spine became very stiff to be so-called bamboo spines without any curvature at all. He had to sleep in bed most of the […]
Kaiser· Hong Kong · 47 Years Old Consumed ProPectin since December 2015 Dosage: 2-3 sachets every day Before consuming ProPectin: Enjoyed eating animal plucks, beef offal, yakitoui, seafoods, and street foods. Due to suffering from gout and high uric acid, would feel immediate pain in the foot after eating these foods. Unable to quit eating […]
Infantile Eczema
An Infant . China ProPectin – internal consumption and external use. Applied ProPectin on the skin covered with eczema and consumed 1/9 sachet. Every day before meal, the mother consumes a sachet of ProPectin before engaging in breastfeeding Before consuming ProPectin: The mother has an allergic physique. When she delivered her first-born baby, the daughter […]
Rita .HongKong Consume 3 sachets of ProPectin daily Before consuming ProPectin: Rita started to have eczema 2 years ago. In the beginning, it was not very serious, so she ignored it. However, it became more and more serious. The whole neck was red, and she could not sleep well. She tried many health products, but […]
Coronary Vascular Occlusion / Diabetes
Mr. Lau. Hong Kong Used ProPectin for a 2 weeks meal replacement therapy. No medicine & normal foods during that period, but only ProPectin. Before consuming ProPectin: After the angioplasty surgery, I needed to keep on medication, but the result was not good and brought many side-effects. Besides, I also suffered from diabetes & sleep […]
Mr. Cheung Age: 50 Hong Kong Normal consumption after 6 days fasting with Propectin diet. Before consumption: Due to the long-term exercise in the past 30 years, many old wounds and inflammations found, resulting in edema and livid face. The problems were not improved after trying many methods and money to deal with body inflammation […]
Healthy Slimming
Ms. Alice Chow. Hong Kong Before consuming ProPectin: Alice was over 230 pounds at the heaviest, so she started practicing QiGong and lost 30 pounds in 3 months. But she felt that her body is weak. After consuming ProPectin: She started taking ProPectin and kept practicing QiGong every day as well as reducing the consumption […]
Excessive Heavy Metals (Arsenic)
Ms Li Wumei . 61 Years Old China, GuangdongStarted taking 2-3 sachets of ProPectin per day, and after 2 days increased to 8-10 sachets per day. Consumed for a total of 16 days Before consuming ProPectin: Has not been feeling well, Ms Li went for a body check-up at the hospital and was informed that […]