I’ve lived with Type 2 diabetes for over 30 years.   In order to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, I was taking 3 different medications on a daily basis.  In 2010, I began taking 3 sachets of ProPectin 3x a day along with my regular diabetes medication.  After a short period of time, I began noticing lowered blood sugar levels on a regular basis.

I slowly began cutting back on my medication while maintaining a regular intake of ProPectin – all the while watching my blood sugar levels closely along with my doctors.  After several months of taking ProPectin regularly, I was completely off my diabetes medications.  ProPectin was maintaining my body at a level where I no longer needed my medication to mediate my blood sugar levels.

Among other things, I noticed that I was starting to lose weight as well.  Taking 1 sachet of ProPectin before each meal every day was slowing down my appetite and keeping my system very regular.   I continue to take 1 sachet 2x a day and I have not been back on my diabetes medication once.  It has been 5.5 years since I’ve started taking ProPectin and I have maintained blood sugar levels between 85 and 110.