【Secret】 3 kinds of anti-inflammatory diet! Reduce skin sensitivity problems

More and more people are facing skin sensitivity problems. There are many reasons for skin allergies. It may be due to endocrine disorders that reduce skin repairing functions. The pollen, chemical agents, allergen foods (such as wheat gluten, shellfish, and nightshade foods) can also cause inflammation of the skin, such as itching, rashes, and peeling. Nutrition Consultant Andy Ma, has suggested 3 anti-inflammatory diets to remove the free radicals that cause inflammation in the body and reduce allergic reactions.

Method 1: 1 cup of “Onion Water” a day

Onions have glutathione which can effectively inhibit the synthesis and secretion of melanin. It also has a very good oxidizing effect, killing bacteria on the skin surface, effectively improving skin infections such as eczema, dermatitis, and urticarial in achieving whitening effects. Moreover, onions contain a lot of quercetin which can prevent cells from being damaged by free radicals, prevent inflammation, inhibit the growth of gastrointestinal bacteria and benefit the immune system.

皮膚敏感食療-skin allergy diet

Method 2: 10 pcs of “Super Fruit-Mulberry” a day

When the skin lacks vitamin A and E, skin inflammation, dryness, coarse pores and other skin issues occur easily.  Mulberry is rich in vitamins which can help supplement the skin’s nutrients and moisturize the skin from the inside out.  In addition, mulberry contains a large amount of Morin natural ingredients which can improve and regulate the metabolism of skin tissues, especially to inhibit the occurrence of pigmentation.

皮膚敏感-skin allergy

「Steam onion water over water」

1. Wash up 3 onions and remove the skin

2. Cut into 6 slices quickly

3. Put the chopped onions in a bowl without adding water

4. Put the bowl and the onions on the dish upside down

5. Steam over medium heat for 30 minutes after water has boiled

6. Pour out the onion water for consumption when it is done

皮膚消炎食物-anti-inflammatory food
重金屬-heavy metals
ProPectin Apple Pectin
Natural Chelator
Removes Radiation / Toxic Heavy Metal from the body effectively

Method 3: Daily intake of ProPectin

According to a study by the University of Kaiserslautern in Germany, apple pectin is converted into butyrate by intestinal bacteria.  It can exert anti-inflammatory effects, reduce inflammatory chemokines, effectively prevent and improve eczema, psoriasis, skin sensitivity and reduces skin allergic reactions.

Natural chelation occurs when the anions (-) of pectin combine with the cations (+) of heavy metals in your blood and cells.   Apple pectin can remove toxins such as heavy metals from the body to improve skin conditions by reducing pigmentation and dull complexion. The water-soluble fiber in apple pectin can also enhance lipid metabolism, balance oil secretion, reduce acne, and skin allergies.

柏沛樂蘋果果膠-propectin apple pectin

In addition to “internal use”, apple pectin also comes with “external application benefits” – when applied externally it can:

❖ Effectively reduce inflammation and swelling of the swollen and inflamed affected area/ulcer wound while reducing pain and itching.

 ❖ Pectin covers the affected area/wound in a gel form for a protection layer which can effectively block the stimulation of external toxins and accelerate wound healing. 

❖ Apple pectin helps to improve affected area/wound and accelerate wound healing through natural chelation.

ProPectin External Applications:

1) Indoor: Apply a thick layer onto infected areas (mix 1 sachet with a small amount of water, stir till thickening).
2) Outdoor: Before going out, apply a thin protective layer to prevent external toxins from further irritating wounds (Apply 1 sachet with 150ml water. Cover the surface of the affected area with a thin layer, wait for it to dry up, no need to wash)

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This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance in Hong Kong. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease but may assist in stabilizing blood glucose / cholesterol.
ProPectinLife is a trademark of Grace Time Asia
Copyright @ 2024 ProPectinLife. All rights reserved.

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