The Truth of Nutrition(3):Magical coconut oil?

In recent years, coconut oil and its products are in hot pursuit. It not only can effectively control weight, but also prevent osteoporosis, improve thyroid function, improve blood sugar control and even prevent cancer. After all, is coconut oil really so magical?


Coconut oil helps weight control?

In fact, coconut oil also can cause fat.  Like other edible oils, 1 coconut oil per gram provides 9 kcal in the body; 2 tablespoons (30 ml) coconut oil is about 230 kcal, equivalent to a medium bowl of rice calories. Therefore, from the calorie, excessive consumption of coconut oil can cause weight gain.


Coconut oil is it really so magical?

Coconut oil contains about 90% saturated fatty acids. Excess dietary intake of saturated fatty acids, it will increase blood cholesterol levels, thereby increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, American Dietetic Association, ADA and Dietitians of Canada Association pointed out that  there are currently no sufficient clinical evidence of the health benefits of coconut oil. Many authoritative health agencies, including the World Health Organization, the American Dietitians Association (ADA) and the National Heart Foundation of Australia also recommend limited intake of saturated fatty acids, including coconut oil, to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


Oil recommendations

Given that there are currently not enough evidence to prove that the intake of coconut oil can prevent disease or alleviate the condition of certain diseases. We suggested the use products rich in unsaturated fatty acids like vegetable oils, canola oil, olive oil, grape seed oil, sunflower oil , corn oil, etc., instead of coconut oil. Furthermore, vegetable oil is also rich in vitamin E, and can help to maintain good health.


Finally, regardless of the choice of healthy vegetable oil or not, we should limit the amount, because each gram of oil / fat provides 9 kcal; for the prevention of obesity, it is recommended to have not more than 6 teaspoons of cooking oil per person per day.

coconut oil-is coconut oil healthy

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This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance in Hong Kong. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease but may assist in stabilizing blood glucose / cholesterol.
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